Contact Your Spirit Guides | Beginners Guide
Last Updated: December 9th, 2023
By: Mark Stevens
At we believe in the existence of Spirit Guides and often communicate with our own to get answers to some of our challenging situations. It sounds like something that would be difficult to achieve, but it’s actually not. It just takes some practise and, for some people, some guidance from people who already do it. That’s what this post is about – being able to recognize when you’re able to communicate with your Spirit Guides.
You won’t always hear your Spirit Guides talking to you directly and many people get despondent when they’re trying to get guidance in this way and don’t get any. But this is because your Spirit Guides communicate in many different ways, almost none of which you will actually hear as words. But as you learn to communicate with your Spirit Guides in their way, you’ll become more attuned to their messages and be able to decipher the weird and wonderful synchronicities they place in front of you.
And the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the more like friends your Guides will become. You’ll be able to ask them for advice on all sorts of things and be able to recognize their replies.
- If you can connect with your Spirit Guides then they can provide you with guidance and support during difficult times.
- Your Spirit Guides may communicate with you in weird and unexpected ways. This post will help you become more alert to those.
- When you recognize the presence of your Spirit Guides you can start to build a deeper connection with them.

The Importance of Being Able to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides
When you connect with your spirit guides it can provide you with a sense of peace and direction. Your spirit guides are here to help you fulfill your life’s purpose and help you to overcome obstacles along the way. When you communicate with your Spirit Guides you can gain a deeper understanding of your path in life and the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals.
Communicating with your spirit guides is an essential part of your spiritual journey. Your spirit guides are here to provide you with guidance, wisdom, support and lessons that can help you navigate through life with direction and purpose. When you connect with your spirit guides, you can tap into a wealth of spiritual guidance that can offer you comfort, protection and hope.
One of the most important reasons for communicating with your spirit guides is to gain clarity about decisions you’re facing in your life. Your spirit guides can offer you insights and perspectives that you may not have considered before which can help you make better decisions and take positive steps forward. They can also help you to understand the lessons and challenges that you are facing as well as why you might be facing them and they can provide you with the support and encouragement you need to overcome them.
Another important aspect of communicating with your spirit guides is the comfort and protection they can offer to you. Your spirit guides are always watching over you and they can help shield you from negative energies and harmful influences around you. They can also provide you with a sense of comfort and peace during difficult times which in turn will help you feel more grounded and centered.
Learning to communicate with your spirit guides is an important part of your spiritual development as well as just being a nice skill to have. By opening yourself up to their guidance and wisdom you can deepen your connection to the spiritual realm and gain a greater understanding of your place in the universe.
Recognizing the Presence of Spirit Guides
Your spirit guides may communicate with you in various different weird and wonderful ways They might use signs or symbols or even just feelings. You’ll need to keep an open mind and be receptive to their messages which very well may come in unexpected ways. When you learn to recognize the presence of your spirit guides, you can start to build a deeper connection with them and learn to trust their guidance. Recognizing their presence can also help you to discern whether the messages you’re receiving truly are from your guides, or whether they’re from your own subconscious or another entity that’s trying to lead you astray.
Here are a few ways to recognize the presence of your spirit guides:
Inner Knowing
One of the most common ways that spirit guides communicate is through your own intuition. You may feel a strong sense of knowing, or a gut feeling, that seems to come from outside of yourself. You’ll just intuitively know the answer to some question or situation. This inner knowing can be a powerful tool for connecting with your spirit guides. If you’re not sure whether a particular feeling or thought is coming from your spirit guides then a good thing to ask yourself is whether it feels loving, supportive, and positive. If the answer is that it does then it’s likely that your spirit guides are communicating with you. If it doesn’t, then it’s not from your spirit guides and can be dismissed.

Image by Loris Oberlaender from Pixabay
Sparks of Light
Another common sign of the presence of spirit guides can be the appearance of sparks of light. These may appear as small flashes of light in your peripheral vision, or as larger and more noticeable sparks of light that seem to float in the air. These sparks of light can be a sign that your spirit guides are with you and trying to communicate with you. If you notice these sparks of light, take a moment and try to tune in to see if you can sense any messages or guidance from your spirit guides.
Free-Writing After Meditation
If you’re having trouble recognizing the presence of your spirit guides, try doing some free-writing after meditation. This involves sitting quietly and meditating for a few minutes and then picking up a pen and paper to write down whatever comes to mind. This can be a powerful way to connect with your spirit guides and receive guidance and messages from them. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling – just write down whatever comes into your mind. You may be surprised at the insights and guidance that come through.
When you pay attention to these signs and sensations you can begin to recognize the presence of your spirit guides and open up channels of communication with them. Remember that your spirit guides are always with you and they want to help and support you in any way they can. Trust in their presence and guidance and you’ll be amazed at the many positive changes that can come into your life.
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your spirit guides can be a deeply moving and affirming experience. It can help you gain clarity, receive guidance, and feel supported on your life journey. Here are a few steps to help you connect with your spirit guides:
Ask Your Spirit Guides To Be Present
This might sound obvious or silly, but it’s the very best way to communicate with your spirit guides. There’s no pomp and ceremony – you don’t need to be in a special place as such. You just need a little corner of the world that, for the time being, you can call your own and that you can sit in relative comfort and quiet and literally ask your spirit guides to come forward. When you feel that they are with you, ask them whatever it is that you need.
I often talk to my guides while I’m in bed settling in for the night, just before I fall asleep. It’s a conversation rather than a ritual. OK, so I don’t ‘hear’ their answers but I do feel them throughout the conversation and sometimes into the next day – especially if I’ve asked for a sign or an answer to something that’s bugging me.
If you prefer something a little more formal – or in depth, you can do this through meditation or prayer instead. We talk about this in more detail in our post specifically about Spirit Guides meditation. When you do this, visualize yourself surrounded by a loving, protective energy to help you set the right tone for the conversation and who you want to speak to.
Only Call In Guides Of Love, Truth, and Compassion
When calling in your spirit guides it is important to only invite in those entities who come from a place of love, truth, and compassion. You can do this by setting an intention to only work with guides who are aligned with your highest good or by visualizing a protective shield around yourself that only allows in positive and loving energy. This will help ensure that you are connecting with guides who have your highest good in mind. We have more information available on this aspect at our post about Tools For Spiritual Protection.
Once you become more familiar with how your Spirit Guides feel you’ll quickly recognise when someone has arrived who isn’t one of them and using the tools we’ve linked to above you’ll be able to get rid of them if you’re not comfortable.
With all that said though, connecting with your spirit guides can be a powerful and transformative experience. By setting a clear intention, focusing your attention, and inviting in loving, supportive energy, you can create a deep and meaningful connection with your guides. As you get to know them better and communicate with them more often you’ll discover the wealth of support and knowledgeable assistance they can give you.
Make a List
Before speaking to your Spirit Guides it can be useful to make a list of questions or areas in your life where you would like guidance. This will help you focus your intention and give your spirit guides something specific to work with. This is probably more important in the early stages of learning to communicate with your spirit guides because you’ll forget things. As you progress you’ll realise it doesn’t really matter because as you advance in your practise you’ll just ask them like you’d ask someone who’s present in 3D world anyway. You can of course also ask just for general guidance or simply ask your guides to reveal themselves to you in a way that is meaningful and clear.

Image by Silviu on the street from Pixabay
Communicating Through Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool to connect with your spirit guides. It helps you to focus your mind, relax your body, and open up to receive guidance and clarity. There are different types of meditations that you can practice to communicate with your spirit guides. In this section, we will explore three of them: Om Meditation, Guided Meditation, and Journaling Meditation. For more information about the process of using meditation to communicate with your spirit guides, see our post Spirit Guides Meditation.
Om Meditation
Om meditation is a simple and effective way to connect with your spirit guides. It involves chanting the sound “Om” repeatedly while focusing on your breath. This meditation helps you to clear your mind, calm your emotions, and raise your vibration. To practice Om meditation:
- Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Sit in a cross-legged position or on a chair with your back straight and your hands on your knees. Make sure you’re relatively comfortable because you don’t want your legs to go numb while meditating.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body.
- Start chanting “Om” slowly and steadily, either out loud or in your mind.
- Focus your attention on the sound of “Om” and the sensation of your breath.
- If your mind wanders you can gently bring it back to the sound of “Om” and your breath.
- Continue chanting for 10-15 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable.
- When you’ve finished, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes. I find it useful to say something like ‘I am finished’ or ‘It is done’ at the end to close down the channel.
Guided Meditation
Guided meditation is a great way to receive guidance from your spirit guides. It involves listening to a recorded meditation that takes you on a journey to meet your guides. This meditation helps you to visualize and connect with your guides in a safe and supportive way. To practice guided meditation:
- Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body.
- Play a guided meditation recording that resonates with you.
- Follow the instructions of the meditation and visualize yourself meeting your spirit guides.
- Listen to their messages and ask them any questions you have.
- When the meditation ends, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes. I find it helpful to speak something out loud which clarifies that the meditation (and communication channel) is now finished. Something like “It is done” or “It is finished” works.
You can find many many guided meditations to meet and communicate with your spirit guides on YouTube by searching for “spirit guides meditation“. These will actively take you through the whole process and can be really very powerful.
Journaling Meditation
Journaling meditation is a powerful way to receive clarity and guidance from your spirit guides. It involves writing down your thoughts, feelings and questions in a journal and then allowing your guides to answer them through automatic writing. This meditation helps you to access your intuition and receive personalized guidance. To practice journaling meditation:
- Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Sit in a comfortable position with your journal and pen.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body.
- Ask your spirit guides a question that you would like guidance on.
- Open your eyes and start writing down whatever comes to your mind, without judging or censoring it.
- Allow your guides to speak through your writing and answer your question.
- When you finish, read over what you wrote and reflect on the guidance you received.
We have a number of journals and books available on Amazon if you’d like a themed notebook for journaling meditation – but a plain notebook works just as well.
Interpreting Messages from Spirit Guides
When communicating with your spirit guides, it’s important to know how to interpret the messages they send you. Here are a few tips to help you understand the guidance your spirit guides are giving you:
One of the most important things you can do when communicating with your spirit guides is to listen. Your guides may communicate with you through your intuition, visions, or symbols so it’s important to be open and receptive to their messages. When you receive a message or a feeling from your guides, take a moment to pause and listen to what they’re telling you.
Symbols that Spirit Guides often use to communicate with us are double numbers which are sometimes called Angel Numbers. These double numbers might appear in seemingly random places at multiple times. If you see enough of them at a time you may consider that your Spirit Guides are trying to communicate with you. You may see these if you ask your Guides for a sign, as below.

Ask For A Sign
If you’re not sure what your spirit guides are trying to tell you then you can ask them to send you a sign. Your guides may use a variety of symbols or entities to communicate with you so be open to whatever sign they send. When you receive the sign take a moment to reflect on its meaning and how it relates to your life.
Sometimes it can be helpful for you to specify which sign you would like – for example, you may ask for an animal or bird to cross your path. When doing this though it’s essential that you choose a creature that’s unlikely (but not impossible) to cross your path. Clearly asking to see a crow as a sign when your trees outside are full of crows is silly. You see those every day and it’s not a sign. Of course, asking to see a Dodo cross your path is almost impossible – at least a living one. You may be surprised though, even the most impossible signs can sometimes show up – you might see an advert on TV that involves a Dodo for example, that you’ve never seen before. You could then consider that a sign.
At other times you won’t necessarily know what sign you want to receive. For these times you’re going to need to remain open minded and perceptive to recognize it. As you practise this you will become better and better at it.
Pay Attention
Your spirit guides may also communicate with you through synchronicities or coincidences in your life. These events may seem random but they can actually be messages from your guides. Pay attention to the people, places and things that appear in your life as they may hold important messages for you.
Indeed, I believe that the law of attraction is all about looking at synchronicities put in place by your Spirit Guides. Many people call it the Universe that puts these things in place, but I like to think of the Universe as the machine that makes everything possible, with your Guides leading you to the right places at the right time to enable these things to occur. If you’re not paying attention though, you’ll miss the synchronicites and you’ll declare that the law of attraction does not work when it fact it very much does.
Keep a Journal
Similar to writing down your meditations, one of the best ways to interpret the messages from your spirit guides is to keep a journal. Write down any experiences, dreams or signs that you receive from your guides. Over time you may start to see patterns or themes emerge that can help you better understand the guidance your guides are giving you. Very often the message you receive initially isn’t all that clear or is open to interpretation. By writing it down you’ll be able to remember it more clearly and accurately and decipher the meaning.
Remember, interpreting the messages from your spirit guides takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and trust that your guides are always there to help and guide you.
We have a number of books and journals to help you write down your dreams or meditations.
Building a Relationship with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your spirit guides can be a powerful way to deepen your spiritual practice and gain insight into your life’s purpose. Your guides are here to faciliate exactly that and they can do it through providing you with the messages or sometimes they can put things in place in the universe to help you achieve something you need.
Here are some tips for building a strong and meaningful relationship with your spirit guides.
Do Not Be Afraid
It is natural to feel a little uneasy or unsure when you first begin to connect with your spirit guides. However, it is important to remember that they are here to help and guide you. They are loving and supportive entities that want to see you succeed and grow. We’ve mentioned earlier in the post how to ensure only your guides appear when you ask for them, as opposed to other entities that may not serve you well. As you become more practised in the art of communicating with your spirit guides you’ll instantly recognise when you’re talking to something that is not one of them.
The biggest thing to be afraid of is fear itself – not your Guides. And remember, if you’re treating your Guides with gratefulness and respect, they will already be working behind the scenes to keep you safe from other entities anyway.
Always Be Grateful
Showing gratitude towards your spirit guides is essential for building a strong relationship with them. Expressing gratitude can help you to connect with their energy and show them that you appreciate their guidance.
Take a moment each day to thank your spirit guides for their love and support. In just the same way as people themselves will do more for someone who is grateful for their help rather than taking it for granted, so will your Spirit Guides.
Whenever you close a conversation with them, thank them for their presence and wisdom and part in love and light.
Ask For Their Names
Asking your spirit guides for their names can help you to build a deeper connection with them. It can also make your interactions with them feel more personal and intimate. When you ask for their names be open to whatever comes to you. It may be a name that you have never heard before, or it may be a name that is familiar to you.
I asked my Spirit Guides for their names when I was around the age of 15. I remember sitting down and literally just asking them what their names were. The names just came into my head, names I had never heard of before. Years later when the Internet became available (I was an early adopter) I looked up the names of my Guides. They are real names that exist in the world. One is a Jewish name, and the other is of Greek origin, although I believe my guide came from Persia (which is modern day Iran). Yes, I have a Jewish and an Arab Spirit Guide and they get along and both help me (albeit in different ways).
This may be a controversial belief but I also believe you should not reveal the name of your Guides to anyone else, otherwise that other person may be able to use them for their own ends, which may not align with yours. I’m not sure if anyone else believes this and I’d be really interested to hear your opinion in the comments section below.
Connect With Them Regularly
Connecting with your spirit guides regularly is important for building a strong and meaningful relationship with them. In fact, connecting with them regularly is far more important than how you connect with them. Talk to them in your head often, and see if you feel their presence or hear an answer. Sometimes you’ll hear the answer but in your own voice, rarely do people hear the actual voice of their Spirit Guides. But, the idea that you need to be in a special relaxed position with smoke-sticks and music in order to communicate with your Spirit Guides is nonsense. You can form a relationship with them just be talking with them about your everyday stuff. And then sometimes, when you have a big issue you need help with, or answers to big/deep questions, well then you can have a proper full-on meditation to discuss it.
Remember, building a relationship with your spirit guides takes time and effort. But with patience, love, and respect, you can develop a deep and meaningful connection with these powerful entities. Open your heart and allow their love and guidance to transform your life.
Communicating with your spirit guides can be a powerful tool in your spiritual growth and personal development. By tapping into the wisdom and guidance of your guides, you can gain knowledge and truth about your reality and human experience and work through any wounds or challenges you may be facing. Your spirit guides will pervade your entire life if you let them (and you should) and can even help you overcome challenges from your past lives.
As you begin to communicate with your spirit guides you are likely to receive messages in a variety of ways, such as through intuition, dreams, or synchronicities. It is important to trust your own inner wisdom and to be open to the guidance and support that your guides are offering you.
Remember that communicating with your spirit guides is a journey (not a destination) and that it may take time and practice to develop a strong and meaningful connection. But with patience, persistence, and an open heart you can tap into the wisdom and guidance of your guides and experience greater spiritual growth and personal transformation.
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Thanks for reading!
Featured Image by Jackson David from Pixabay